Gulf Coast Chimney Sweep
Gulf Coast Chimney Sweep

Our Services

GOOGLE Top Rated Chimney Sweeps

Our Technicians have over 100 years of combined experience!

Chimney Sweeps

What happens when damage, creosote buildup, or other dangers are present? We offer the best sweeps in town.

Chimney Inspections

Here at Gulf Coast Chimney Sweeps, we want to be sure your fireplace & chimney is ready when you are.

Creosote Removal

Creosote is not something you want in your chimney, but it’s likely something you have in your chimney.

Our Services

Gulf Coast Chimney Sweep

Chimney Inspection

Here at Gulf Coast Chimney Sweep we want to be sure your fireplace is ready when you are.

Chimney Cap Installation

Let’s face it: even if you have a company you can trust to get rid of leaks and animal intruders fast,

Chimney Sweeping

What happens when damage, creosote buildup, or other dangers are present?

Water Leaks and Chimney Repairs

we have the tools, products, and knowledge for all your chimney repair needs.

Creosote Removal

Creosote is not something you want in your chimney, but it’s likely something you have in your chimney.

Animal Removal

You may be wondering, why would a bird or animal choose to nest in a chimney anyway?

Contact Us

Gulf Coast Chimney Sweep

Areas We Service

Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana


(850) 981-9022